Return Policy

You may cancel your order for a full refund before it is shipped.

After your receive an order, you can return an item for a full refund within 7 days if the item has these conditions:

  • The item has defects
  • The item was incorrectly shipped

Some brands may also allow you to return an item if you are not satisfied with it within 7 days.

In order to return an item for a full return, the item must meet these conditions:

  • Undamaged, unwashed and unworn
  • Has the original label and tag attached to the item

Please contact our Customer Support to request for return. Our support staff will ask you to submit the photos of the item for verification. You will then receive a postage label that you will use to send the returned item in its original package to us. After your returned item is received and authorized by the brand, you will receive the full refund of the purchased price of the returned item to your original payment  method.